Friday, 23 December 2011

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Can Chiropractic Help?

Hi there loyal readers! This is my last post for 2011 and I would like to thank you all for your support and interest in my blog! Learning about your health is the most important thing you can do - so visiting here often will put you on the right track for a great 2012! I look forward to posting more on the health issues you want to know about in the new year - leave me a comment and let me know what interests YOU!

Today's post reviews and explains a very common and debilitating health issue - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The National Center for Health Statistics has reported that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome results in the highest number of days lost among  all other work-related injuries. It is the most common nerve compression disorder of the upper limb. Here is what you need to know about this painful health condition:

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The carpal tunnel is a narrow, rigid passageway formed of bones and ligaments at the base of your hand. Nine tendons and one nerve (the median nerve) pass through this space. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) occurs when the median nerve becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist. Thickening from irritated tendons or other swelling narrows this tunnel and, since it is mainly composed of bones, the tunnel cannot stretch to accommodate this inflammation. This results in compression and irritation to the median nerve (neuropathy), leading to painful sensations. Although these sensations may indicate other conditions, CTS is the most common and widely understood of the entrapment neuropathies in which the body’s peripheral nerves are compressed or traumatized.

The Median Nerve:

The median nerve exists in humans as well as other animals. It originates in the neck and courses down the arm into the wrist, where it passes through the carpal tunnel. This nerve controls the sensations to the palm side of the thumb and fingers (not including the little finger), as well as impulses to some small muscles in the hand that control finger and thumb movement. Due to the course of the nerve, compression at the carpal tunnel can result in pain, weakness, or numbness in the hand and wrist, radiating up the arm.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

T'was a Chiropractic Christmas!

T’was the day before Christmas,
but there was no cheer.
No jingle bells jingled, no sound of reindeer.
The word had gone out that Santa was sick.
There would be no visit from jolly St. Nick.
The people were sad; no gaiety sounded.
For Christmas had come,
but Santa was grounded.
He drove down the road,
and what should he see?
But a sign for a doctor, who was a D.C.
Now Santa was not one to like a new tactic,
But all else had failed, so he tried Chiropractic.
He entered the office and saw at a glance,
in a place such as this, illness hasn’t a chance.
The office staff smiled, the music was sappy,
with all of the patients contented and happy.
In a very short time, to judge by the clock,
he was in the adjusting room, talking to Doc.
It must be the hurry, the tension and all,
I simply can’t seem to get on the ball.
Life used to be easy;
just kids, toys and whistles,
now I dodge smog, spaceships and missiles.
And Doc, take a look at the size of this pack!
Have you any idea what it does to my back?
Poor Santa was miserable and just barely able,
with the help of the Doctor, to get on the table.
The Doctor was gentle;
without a fuss or a tussle
he examined the vertebrae
and relaxed every muscle.
He spotted trouble and then with a click,
started aligning the spine of old St. Nick.
Santa felt aches and pains slipping away
and in no time at all he began to feel gay.
The air was a tingle with new fallen snow
and a healthy Kris Kringle was rarin’ to go.
As he went out the door, he threw them a kiss;
why, it had been centuries
since he felt good as this!
Then once more he shouldered
the bag full of toys,
his heart overflowing with true Christmas joys.

By: Author Unknown

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Stay Safe in the Snow!

Snowy weather is just around the corner! For many of us, this means enjoying the slopes and taking the toboggan out for a spin; however, the winter also brings icy sidewalks, slippery steps and snow to shovel! Whether you love outdoor activities, or would rather snuggle up in front of a warm fire, today’s post will cover some important safety tips to keep you and your family injury-free this winter season.

Shoveling Snow:

The average shovelful of snow can weigh as much as 7 pounds and to clear your driveway and sidewalk, you are looking at lifting several hundred pounds of snow! Here are some ways you can get the job done and spare your back at the same time:

   1. Pay attention to the weather reports!
I know they are usually wrong (sorry meteorologists!), but paying attention to what weather is expected can help you stay ahead of the game. If your local weather station is calling for several days of snow, getting outside more frequently to clear your driveway and sidewalk is recommended. This will allow you to move smaller amounts of snow at a time AND get you more exercise – two birds with one stone!

   2. Invest in a good shovel – and make sure you pick the right one for you!
The snow shovel you choose should depend on what you are using it for – make sure you consider this before you buy! Also consider the size – the length of the handle and the volume of the scoop, materials, and weight of the shovel. I usually recommend a lightweight, pusher-type of shovel. Plastic is a good material and will withstand breakage under 99% of conditions. If you are using a metal shovel, be sure to spray it with Teflon first – this will ensure the snow slides off and does not stick!

    3. Push the snow!
Try to push the snow to the side instead of lifting and throwing. This way, you can avoid lifting heavy shovelfuls of snow and suddenly twisting or turning. I know this is not always possible, especially if the snow has piled up – in this case, follow the directions below to avoid unnecessary twisting movements that can lead to injury:

1. Keep feet wide apart. Put weight on front foot close to shovel and use leg to push shovel straight ahead
2. Shift weight to rear foot and keep shovel-load close to body. Lift with arms and legs, not back
3. Turn  feet in the direction of throw and pivot entire body rather than twisting at the waist

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Can YOU Limit Your Sitting and Sleeping to 23 and 1/2 Hours per Day?

Hi there, readers! I urge you to take 10 minutes of your day to watch this video! Dr. Mike Evans, a physician and professor at the University of Toronto, answers the age old question: “What is the single best thing we can do for our health?” Thank you to my colleague and pal, Dr. Ben Bluestein, for sharing this with me so that I can share it with all of you!

Monday, 5 December 2011

Why YOU Need a Chiropractor!

The importance of your spine:

Your spine is a unique and very complex set of bones that allow you movement and flexibility, while housing and protecting your spinal cord. The bones themselves provide the basic structure that muscles and other parts of your body – your shoulders and pelvis – are attached to. The spinal muscles both hold the spine upright and move it though its range of motion. Your spine also supports the weight of your head, which can be roughly the weight of a bowling ball!

Your spinal bones – the vertebrae – are specially constructed to shelter your spinal cord, which at any given time carries millions of vital messages from your brain to your body and back. The spinal cord branches off into nerves that exit between the vertebrae in order to communicate with the organs, muscles, and joints of your entire body. Having good spinal health is critical for this reason alone!

The nervous system is our body’s communication highway – it controls virtually every aspect of our lives, our entire mind and body! Just as a highway can get backed up with traffic, the daily stresses in our lives can cause congestion of our nervous system and, over time, can build up and cause deterioration of the joints and discs of the spine, which have a direct impact on your nervous system. Chiropractors work to eliminate the “traffic” that is clogging your nervous system, allowing you, and your entire mind and body, to function optimally.

Chiropractors – an integral part of your Health Care Team:

You probably have a GP and a dentist, maybe even an optometrist. You don’t see them all the time – maybe a couple times a year for a check-up or a dental cleaning. You have them on your roster – you never know when you may have an emergency, and isn’t it comforting to know that you have someone there who knows you and who you already trust with your care?

Now that you understand how critical your spine is to your health, it’s time to add a chiropractor to your health care team. Research has shown that 80% of people will have back pain in their life, and of those people, 80% will have chronic, long-lasting pain. Back pain is the most common reason stated for why people miss days at work. When we know something may be coming, we prepare for it! Since chiropractors all practice differently, it is important that you find one with a similar philosophy to you. Most will offer free consultations – take advantage of this and discuss your health care concerns with them. All chiropractors have different philosophies and treatment protocols – find one that you like and trust and get an examination when you are feeling well! When most people hurt themselves, they lose their normal range of motion and an examination at this time can be difficult and painful. It can also be tricky to find a chiropractor you like, trust, AND is available when you need them, if you are not already a patient.

Regular examinations by your chiropractor are a MUST to keep your spine and other joints working properly. Schedule these exams for twice a year if you are healthy and free of pain. By no means does this mean you need to be treated – an examination for a well-patient is often enough to ensure that you are growing or aging normally. Often, your chiropractor will send you off with some suggestions and exercises so that you can care for yourself. You may find that, following some of these examinations, your chiropractor may want to see you a few times to sort out any issues that they may find during the examination. This is normal and preventative in nature. Spinal issues can take weeks to months to manifest as symptoms, but your chiropractor can discover them before this point. It is our job as your doctor to help you prevent problems before they become debilitating. This is why it is so important to find a roster of health care professionals that you trust with your care.

Once you find the right doctor, bring your family for examinations as well. Many disorders, especially of the spine, are hereditary and show up later in life. Start your kids out on the right foot – many of these problems can be prevented before they become a problem!

Now that you know a little bit more about us, how many of you will be finding yourself and your family a chiropractor?